Meeting called to order 18:34
Recap off cycle board actions and votes
Board Position Announcements
John Koniges has resigned his position as president
Open applications via email tonight/tomorrow
Proposal to amend the bylaws to state at a venue of the boards choosing, no less than 60 days out, with at least a weeks notice
Voting timeline:
Email tomorrow
open 13-19th application period
20-26th review period
27th-2nd being the voting period
announce results on the 3rd
Add open positions, and add who is filling interim if they have questions about how it works
Clarification on who can run for presidential vote
Open Session (First 30 minutes)
Tristan will go through articles of incorporation, who wants to do it with him
Tristan will pick a date for people to meet on this, Michelle, Kevin, Ashley, lots of volunteers
When voting for Treasurer, you are also voting for Vice President
VP Only really exists when there is no President
Action Item to put / VP
Educate general public on how bylaws work
It is an executive position
Chairing a meeting in the absence of the president instead of using the term Vice President
Or transition one of the member at larges to VP
Don’t really need to add a VP position
In Bylaws only time VP is mentioned is that the treasure is acting as the VP in the absence of the president
Bylaw change Article 3 Section 3 Item 2 last sentence
Question about voting rights, how they are decided, how it works, what % is run
Position descriptions for board member positions
Not as immersive with membership about what the board does
Branches we have, how the branches are separate
Reeducation of membership
What legal responsibilities are legal/fiduciary
X number of minutes, presentation period, 30 minute questioning period
Can we look at actually paying an accountant for treasurer
It would probably be hard to find a paid accountant that would do all of the work one of our volunteers would do at meetings.
Stipulations about attendance if unable to make meeting due to military service
In order to count for attendance they would need to coordinate with coordinator or department head, actual interact with someone about what was at the meeting
Is this something that we want to get into, to have to verify military service
Concerned about blurring lines between employment and volunteers, wants to make sure we are very careful about this wording.
John and Tristan will work together with legal about possible bylaw change
Bylaws and articles of incorporation
Articles of Inc trump bylaws, bylaws trump policies
Our AoI say ATC membership is $20, Bylaws say $15
According to legal expert
Update articles of incorporation to $15
Need to add bylaws so they are not
Jay seconds, all in favor
Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners
Equipment Rental Requests
Coordinator Updates
Anime Detour
Staffing issues being dealt with
Trying to figure out how to have a post mortem about planning
Addressing areas of efficiency
Review element for department heads
Until we know more, it might be very difficult to have a convention in 2021, if we are still under stay at home through December the con will be very different.
Do we have a letterhead that we can use for the charities letter about us not doing charitable giving this year. Michelle and Kim will work together to get the letter out.
Will be done before the end of the month
LEG request from Dan Krueger bills in amount of $3500
Not sure what precedent we want to set
How much we would want to assist with
We have the discretion to approve or not approve the full dollar amount
We could pay a larger bill to give a helping hand 2200
Michelle is voting to pay the hospital bill of $2259.71 and not pay the clinic bill which they have a payment plan for $1273.44
Tristan 2nds
All in favor
Will pay the hospital direct
Maybe look into discussing some sort of cap on individual disbursements
We have been trying to find leg fund guidelines but haven't been able to find them
Perhaps there are some in old board meeting notes?
How do we currently make people aware of Leg fund?
Asking for donations
Raising crowdfunding to cover other expenses
Maybe charities could do a fundraiser for the Leg fund, will match an amount and will be taking grant requests.
Clubs / Community
Clubs aren’t meeting
Pride has been cancelled
Most summer events probably will not be happening
Media Relations
The ATC FB page has gone up in views, likes, people reached, and post engagements.
Fandom Fridays to garner engagements
Working on helping to generate a little blurb of the positions description for media relations coordinator
Working on twitch account
Beginning to look into twitter
Nothing to report, her branch is very affected by all of this, they do still have the discord running trying to find structured activities digitally
Hard to be at 100%,
Some conventions have gone online and others have maye could look into doing something along those lines
Promoting those sorts of things, but haven't been able to host anything yet
Tristan willing to help out with twitch streaming
2 guys ran entire convention during Anime Lockdown for a weekend
Financials were emailed
Got 3k from millennium refund for staff dinner deposit
Bank account $232,656.91
Lots of checks that haven't been cashed yet
Still a couple of weeks for people to request refunds
A mass email went out yesterday, they have until 6/1/20
Once email went out about 150 people req refunds
Haven't heard back from guests about returning their payments, some may be coming back in 2021, two haven't been cashed,
Working on haggling with the airlines about credits
Tax forms have been updated on ATC website
Short Break from 850-857
Updates on current Board projects
Proposal for recording board meetings
Presentation on recording
Why does it need to be video versus audio
Easier for people to stay engaged when visual versus just audio
We are the faces of the org, owe it to the membership to have as many opportunities to view these as possible
Visual interactions can mean more then what our words are, things could be interpreted differently if we just have audio vs the whole experience
Obviously right now we are streaming this on youtube, no issues with that, once we can meet in person again, streaming meetings at gps on youtube, archiving it seems like it takes up a lot of data space, and audio would be a preferred method, but not against the video being there but just for archival purposes.
What is the current storage situation
Has a network addressable storage, it's connected to the internet so people can access it, but upload speeds are slow.
Depends on how long we want to keep them archived.
It is ATC property.
what is the back up for it, youtube and vice versa
Is there a policy about keeping ATC owned stuff at personal residences?
Maybe need to look at keeping an inventory
It is not insured by ATC insurance but would be under Tristan’s homeowners/renters
Pushing to June so we can discuss over email and vote next month
Five Year Plan
Got lots of feedback
Vision statement was a duplication
Will email to new board members
Going over document options
Living document, can we adjust as we go due to current situation
Will look to finalize next month
Need to reassign existing projects
Open Board Projects/Future Meeting discussions (sorted by due date):
Meeting Month <Caretaker(s)> - Example Project
May<Tristan> - Five year plan
June <Tristan/Ashley> - Proposal for waiving Anime Twin Cities membership costs for Anime Detour staff who meet requirements for free badge
June <President> - Board Members’ Projects
June <President> - Coordinator Reviews
Coordinator Reviews to Secretary by 6/2/20 so people would see them ahead of time
Email out to board by the 3rd, to prepare by the board by the 9th
Do we want the staff to review coordinators? Need to look into that.
Email this weekend about annual reviews In June, we will be doing coordinator reviews, if you have comments or feedback please submit to the secretary.
Board and coordinators all at once?
Possible closed sessions for reviews
Comments from public should be anonymous
From the board could go either way
Reviews are sent ahead of time, and then they can respond at the board meeting
July <?> - Review ATC policies
July <?> - Coordinator Goals
Open session ended at 10:02 pm