ATC Meeting 2020-MAR-10
Meeting called to order 18:30
Agenda: Recap off cycle board actions and votes:
- N/A
Agenda: Open Session
- VOTE: Kevin Motions (Jay 2nds) to accept bylaw proposals around Quorum and send
off to general assembly to vote. PASSES
- ACTION: Kevin to email Christina to send to general staff
- Tristan asks what to do about Anton now that he’s quit.
- Position to be brought open to applications
- Michelle offers to step up to follow the timeline.
- Kim offers to help communicate with people.
- Board accepts these offers.
- Tristan: While at Anime Milwaukee, talked to a person who does social work that uses
comics to help people communicate with their employers better. Wants to know if we
want to reach out to her to find out more or assist. Tristan to find their business card.
Agenda: Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners
- N.A
Agenda: Equipment Rental Requests
- N/A.
Agenda: Coordinator Updates
Anime Detour (Troy)
- Reg Closed. A little down. Probably down about 150 from last year.
- Had conversations with the hotel; they have some prep work stuff available like
cleaning, and doubling sanitizer stations.
- Meeting with the police department on Friday.
- Got the guide for proofing last night.
- Admin work being done lists together/corrected.
- Looking into things post con, deadlines are matching up with current needs of
departments. Make it work with a programming guide for themes, guest of honor
stuff, and programming. Need to look at. Create a convention calendar for
everyone to see.
- Changes with staff due to expectations of staff. Lots of things not getting done.
Staff dinner, pronoun ribbons, industry lounge, AUSM, etc...
- Had discussions about what happens if things get worse, like if the city of
Minneaopolis telling us to cancel.
- Kim says we’ve had several emails about this like if we are having the
con still, what our plans are, if they can roll-over their badges.
- Some artist alley people want to back out and need to look into it still.
- Discussion about sweepstake law and our attempt into it.
- Previous discussed
Clubs/Communities (Erick)
- Working on reorg of the entire thing. Will take some time.
- Clubs going strong, no cries for help.
- Talked to people at cosplay on ice about a harry potter club. Going to look into
partnering with GPS.
- Looking for more help!
- Michelle helped Lauren last couple years, but noticed we need a
communities calendar.
Media Relations
- No Person
SOS (Heather)
- Saturday was Cosplay on Ice, which was fantastic. Estimate of 120 people.
Made the Star Tribune.
- Took in $74 in donations, up from like $15 last year.
Financials (Kim)
- Feb 2020 Financial Handout
- Discussion with Troy if we’ve had guests cancelling
- Heather brings up some cons are saying things like no hugs to guests
- Bank Account $317,499.08
- Education: $2,262.22
- LEG: $13,151.06
Site Committee:
- Since Anton resigned, who do we sent to the Site Committee?
- Tristan is willing to go to this meeting. Heather is willing to be a backup for this
- Tristan found a price for camera+recorder $405
- With physical access like racks/etc would be $600-$700 estimated.
- Kim has money from the 990 form left over but only in the $400 range not $700.
- Rental says we can install it, but if we need screws we need to inform them. Tristan
recommends screwing.
- Kim says if he can come in under $450 from left-over she’s fine with it.
- Tristan can send a bid to everyone.
- ACTION: To send a bid to the board. Vote to happen via email.
- Possible we can get a discount if we tell the insurance company.
15 Minute break 1938--1952
Agenda: Updates on current Board projects
- April <Michelle> - Charitable Giving Proposals
- Apri<Tristan> - Five year plan
- ACTION: All people to read and give feedback to Tristan
- May <Michelle> - Charitable Giving Vote
- May <OPEN> - Rum River Library Event
- Maybe Kim/Erick?
- June <President> - Board Members’ Projects
- June <President>- Coordinator Reviews
- July <John> - Review ATC policies
- Tristan: Anything we can do to force board members to do this? We’ve had very
low participation these last years.
- Heather: record of projects/votes/attendance for board members seeking re-
- July <John> - Coordinator Goals
Agenda: Proposal for recording board meetings
- Tristan/John - Delay until April.
- Issues with legal waiting to hear things back. He’s asked permission to work with a law
student he’s working with.
- We are in a public meeting in a public space in a public building. So we may not be able
to prevent people from filming if they are not disturbing the meeting.
Agenda: Proposal for recording equipment at storage locker
- Tristan will go ahead and purchase equipment but no other things. If he can put it up
without other things he can, and test it. But purchases will need to be put off past this.
Agenda: Proposal for attendance policy enforcement for Board Members
- Not sure who’s running this.
- It’s illegal to force people to sign the attendance sheet.
- Table to next month to see if John has more on this.
Agenda: Proposal for attendance policy to earn voting rights expanding to include board meetings
- Aren’t against this. We need a bylaw written for proposal.
- ACTION: Kevin to reach out to John to see if it’s written up so we can vote on it via
email before the 30 day limit.
Agenda: Proposal for waiving Anime Twin Cities membership costs for Anime Detour staff who meet requirements for free badge
- Need to stay within volunteer financial limits. Cannot exceed $500
- Issues about 60 days to pay back from receipt? Need to look into this.
- Some cases illegal to replace a paid person with a volunteer.
- Don’t see any legal reason yet while we can’t waive the $15 fee
- ATC membership gives us voting rights (if met requirements) and becomes
board/coordinator. If we give people a free ride it could be seen as vote tampering by
providing free membership to vote.
- Michelle: May need someone to setup/handle ATC memberships?
Meeting Adjourned @ 2020