November 2016 Board Notes




Board Attended: Troy, Lauren, Kim, Andrew, Michelle, Dave, Joe, Max
Board Absent:
Observers: Morgan, Erick, John, Jayson, Andy


Open Session

Anime Twin Cities blank response for sensitive topics.

Finance Updates

Close to covering detour expenses - 223,300

Nearing 1000 registrations

Check for Emily DeJesus has been sent - Full amount - $4200 (cashed)

Education fund at $10,118

Community fund at $16,000

Received two donations

$100 from Benevity - Microsoft

$60 from company match

$16 from Amazon Smile

Looking to re-do sales tax exemption applications to Minnesota

Coordinator Updates

Anime Detour
Millennium has not responded in regards to 2018 overflow and staff hotel space.
Budgets have been submitted and approved.

Suggestion for Anime Detour 2019 chairman. Troy MacDonald. Jayson will be resigning after the 2018 cycle.

Recommended to train Troy over the next two years.

If it is a division head, would be less time to train.

Would be ideal to resolve prior to the end of the 2017 convention cycle.

Motion to open applications for 2019 chairman to be completed by January 31st 2017 - Dave
Seconded - Lauren
4 Yay
Abstain 2



Requested emails for all clubs that were at Anime Detour 2016

Would like to get their registration in before cut-off day

Continue to have them involved in the convention

Getting video inventory to provide a video library for clubs


No update


People are happy with new art and mascot designs

There have been a few paid sponsorships for posts - Working well

Upticks in likes and new fans


Rental form - Cost of items

Television went down at Anime Fusion


Overview of voting

Motion to open applications for 2019 chairman to be completed by January 31st 2017 - Dave
Seconded - Lauren
4 Yay
Abstain 2

Comittee for rental agreement and regulations
Dave, Andrew, Troy, Joe