September 2024 Board Notes




Board Attended: Alli Cassel, Kevin Ehrler, Alyssa Johnson, Christina Kramer, Hope Kronen, Bruce Levine, and Nick Nelson
Board Absent:
Observers: Anthony LaBerge, Brian Beitzel, Collin Ireland, David K Vetrovec, Erick Hofer, J.C. Horvath, Liz Spafford, Lori Fischer-Fairbanks, Sherilyn W. Brown, and Tori Winkelman


Anime Twin Cities Board Meeting Minutes

10th, 2024
6:31 PM

Board Present - Alli Cassel, Kevin Ehrler, Alyssa Johnson, Christina Kramer, Hope Kronen, Bruce Levine, and Nick Nelson

Public – Anthony LaBerge, Brian Beitzel, Collin Ireland, David K Vetrovec, Erick Hofer, J.C. Horvath, Liz Spafford, Lori Fischer-Fairbanks, Sherilyn W. Brown, and Tori Winkelman

Agenda is available in the link in the description of the livestream, these meetings are counted for attendance for voting rights please comment your name in the chat and fill out the google form in order to gain voting rights.


  • Recap off cycle board actions and votes
    • Approved new contract signing policy.
      • Motion to approve the new contract signing policy
      • Bruce seconded
      • All that were present are in favor
      • Motion Passes
      • This policy will be posted on the website.
  • Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners
    • None

Coordinator Updates

  • Coordinator Positions Open:
    • Charities
    • Communications
    • Special Events
      • Ambassador Team will be at Anime Fargo (9/27-9/29)
  • All these positions are open, and you can view the descriptions on the website if you are interested in applying.
  • Anime Detour – J.C.
    • We are continuing to make progress, more interviews are being conducted and our own staff meeting is taking place this Saturday, September 14th at 1pm. We don’t have the library there but that will be fixed, and then we will get the listing up and will send an email out. Anyone who would like more information on what Anime Detour is doing please join in person or on YouTube.
  • Finance – Sky
    • The total dollar amount in each of our accounts are as follows:
      • Business Checking - $332,030.27
      • Education Fund – $3,098.19
      • Business Market Rate Savings (Community Fund) - $14,506.42

15 Minute Break (If the preceding topics take little time, the board may vote to skip this)

Motion to Skip
All in Favor
Motion Passes


Current Month Board Topics

  • We have intent to do Board Training (make policy for Board Training) and begin researching Bylaws updates before the October meeting, by reaching out to non-profit lawyers about rewriting the bylaws.
  • Not a lot has happened this month with Board work since a lot of us have been working on getting our budgets for Anime Detour ready.


Open Session (up to 30 minutes)

  • Any members of the community can bring new business to discuss with the board
  • “Is it prudent to have the majority of the funds in checking rather than savings with most major expenses months away?”
    • Christina- Decent question for Sky, but she is not here, it is something we could check. In the past we kept stuff in the checking account for easy access. Bruce – would need to check if the interest rates by placing it in a savings account is any higher.
  • Christina – Other non-profits often work with credit unions (they try to work with credit unions to get better rates) we use Wells Fargo which has their advantages but maybe we could get a better rate with a credit union.
  • “Why was the charity auction recipient changed for 2024, and why did you do it without getting approval or seeking approval from the board or chair at the time”
    • J.C.- The charity auction came back last year it was handled largely by a staff member with little oversight from the Executive team at the time, he did have the go ahead to do it, it definitely wasn’t against what the Executive team wanted or anything like that. He was largely left to make those decisions himself. We are formalizing it this year and making the process much more clear on what we are doing and why.
  • “Do you have a plan for hiring a new financial officer?”
    • Christina- I do have three possibilities that we are waiting to hear back from, they are all maybes at the moment but I am trying to push them so Sky can do training before she is out at the end of the month.
  • The next Anime Detour Staff Planning Meeting is:
    • Saturday 9/14 1pm-3pm
    • Brookdale Library
    • 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy.
    • Brooklyn Center, MN 55430


Open Board Projects/Future Meeting discussions

  • Bylaws Update (October)
  • Policy Updates
    • Bans
    • Coordinator Reviews
    • Board Training
    • ATC Policies Document
  • Trademark renewal (due by December)

Motion to adjourn
Motion Passes


6:47pm meeting adjourned.

Please contact or if you would like to be added to the agenda for discussion items.