July 2024 Board Notes




Board Attended: Alli Cassel, Sky Dunn, Kevin Ehrler, Alyssa Johnson, Christina Kramer, Hope Kronen, Bruce Levine, and Nick Nelson
Board Absent:
Observers: Sherilyn W. Brown, Samantha Cozort, Lori Fischer-Fairbanks, J.C. Horvath, Collin Ireland, Andrew Janssen, Jeremiah Keohen, Chelsea "Buttons" Lieser, Evan Miller, Kaida Moran, Allen Sanchez-Capers, Jessica Silver, Liz Spafford, Jo Thomsen, and Jeannette Wallen


Anime Twin Cities Board Meeting Minutes

9th, 2024
6:30 PM

Board Present - Alli Cassel, Sky Dunn, Kevin Ehrler, Alyssa Johnson, Christina Kramer, Hope Kronen, Bruce Levine, and Nick Nelson

Public – Sherilyn W. Brown, Samantha Cozort, Lori Fischer-Fairbanks, J.C. Horvath, Collin Ireland, Andrew Janssen, Jeremiah Keohen, Chelsea "Buttons" Lieser, Evan Miller, Kaida Moran, Allen Sanchez-Capers, Jessica Silver, Liz Spafford, Jo Thomsen, and Jeannette Wallen

Agenda is available in the link in the description of the livestream, these meetings are counted for attendance for voting rights please comment your name in the chat and fill out the google form in order to gain voting rights.

Recap off cycle board actions and votes.

  • Welcoming the new board members to their first official meeting where they can vote, Hope, Kevin, and Sky. Also, welcoming Bruce to his new term. 
  • Appointed J.C. Horvath as new Anime Detour Coordinator, with Michael Nicchetta serving as deputy chair.
    • Officially vote J.C. Horvath as our Anime Detour coordinator
    • Seconded
    • Motion Passes

Open Session (First 30 minutes)

  • Any members of the community can bring new business to discuss with the board.
    • “Were those appointments done in a special meeting?”
    • Christina - We did interviews for the open position then discussed interviews then voted on it via email, and we are now officially appointing them this meeting.
      J.C. – The open positions I believe were posted on the ATC site, discord and some other social media / areas of outreach.
    • Deputy chair was never posted. This is a new position we came up with, they are basically serving as a vice chair under J.C.
    • Question about ATC’s lack of presence at Pride. We want to get into that next year if we can. Alli- Previous ATC presence at Pride was through GPS not ATC. GPS let their own involvement lapse several years ago now and our communication with GPS has dropped off when they lost their physical space, when we get a special events coordinator, they could pick that up to get ATC directly connected to Pride, so we don’t have a presence since we don’t have a person to help with that. If you would like to help, please apply.


Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners

  • None

Coordinator Updates

  • Communications Position is open.
    • This is someone who will post on social media and write a newsletter for ATC events. You can see the description on the about us page.
  • Charities position is also open.
  • Special Events Position is open.
    • Kitsune Kon in July, we will have an ambassador table.
    • We will have a table at ToshoCon which is in a library in St. Paul as well as
      the Obon Festival which takes place in Como Park in August.
    • Christina sent an email to get ToshoCon posted up on social media may have not had a chance to have those posted yet. It is Saturday, August 17th from 11AM-3PM at the Arlington Hills library in St. Paul, free event and is mainly targeted towards teenagers we will get that up on social media.
    • We want to put these events on social media, should we put it on the calendar with planning meetings and board meetings on them? J.C. thinks so. Bruce - ATC meetings haven been colored as Blue, Orange for Detour, he can make the special events a tertiary color.
  • Anime Detour – J.C.
    • Not a lot to declare at this stage compared to what was announced at the first planning meeting on June 30th, he would suggest catching up on that recording on the Anime Detour YouTube page and for all staff recent, past, or present you should’ve received an email with the link. If you haven’t you can email j.c.horvath@animedetour.com or ad_chairman@animedetour.com to reach him.

  • Finance – Sky / Christina
    • Annual Financial Report – Sky lost her voice so Christina will go over the report.
    • We made a chart of income and where it is dispersed. Our fiscal year is Oct 1st, 2023, to September 30th, 2024. This snapshot is from 10/1/23 to 6/30/24.
      July ATC Board Meeting Vod
      (Financial Snapshot Visual Available starting at 11:14 in the meeting recording)
    • The registration number shows what we received for the 2024 Anime Detour convention from October 2023 to the convention and then what we have received for registrations for Anime Detour 2025.
    • At the top is the ATC dues which is $15 per registration.
      • “What does the $15 get us? “
      • Christina - We need it to run the event, it gives us the storage locker for our equipment, the licenses to help us pay our taxes and pay for tax prep.
      • J.C. – There is concern out there, its not that ATC is taking money from Detour. Detour pulls out of the pool, Detour is an event put on by ATC. So, it is not money that can’t or won’t go to Detour it is just that not every dollar from ATC goes towards Detour. We will eventually earmark a large portion to Detour that process hasn’t occurred yet, but there is no reality to the idea that this money is being pulled from Detour and won’t go back in, it might not depending on what ATC wants to do but it is very much the same pool of money. It is not disappearing.
    • Anything we don’t spend on ATC gets carried over into the total balance for 2024 then to 2025, etc.
    • “Why not bring down the price for each badge?” Christina – It is good to have those additional funds for when we put on additional events, that funding needs to come from somewhere, but we would like to raise funds from different events too.
    • The total dollar amount in each of our accounts are as follows:
      • Business Checking - $347,476.57
      • Education Fund – $3,098.14
      • Business Market Rate Savings (Community Fund) - $14,506.18
    • Sky- “there are still a few outstanding things that come out monthly/every so often until end of September. I know Kim said that people turn in reimbursements super later sometimes which is probably a great reminder to let everyone know they have until September to get me their reimbursements”


15 Minute Break (If the preceding topics take little time, the board may vote to skip this)- skipped

Motion to Skip
Motion Passes

Current Month Board Topics - None

Open Board Projects/Future Meeting Discussions

  • Didn’t have any current month topics besides the financial report.
  • Charities Discussion (August)
    • Figuring out more ways to give back to the community
  • Bylaws Update
    • Need to get this and policies updated
  • Trademark Renewal (Due by December) Really due in January but put December since we want to make sure we don’t do it late.
  • Policy Updates
    • Bans
    • Coordinator Reviews
    • Board Training

Motion to adjourn
Motion Passes


6:51pm meeting adjourned.

Please contact atcboard@animetwincities.org or atc_secretary@animetwincities.org if you would like to be added to the agenda for discussion items.